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Since 2011 I’ve been presenting on the “sponsor effect” and “executive presence”.  All of the presentations are based on the work of Dr. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Economist and founding President of the Center for Talent Innovation.   Dr. Hewett in her writing and speaking effectively “names” and shines a light on how sponsor relationships can dramatically impact your career trajectory.  I’ve found Dr. Hewlett’s work to be directly applicable to higher education and careers in student affairs. Sponsoring outstanding professionals is one of the fastest ways to positively impact our field and our outcomes.  Sponsors like mentors have always been here. Looking back I now recognize many instances of sponsorship in my career and feel very grateful for the opportunities I was provided.  Hewlett has “named” these actions and differentiated them from mentoring in a very meaningful way. She also writes specifically about women and professionals of color and the impact of sponsorship can have on their career.  I’ve provided some highlights and some hyperlinks to Dr. Hewlett’s writing and research to get you started.

Some highlights:

“Women are over mentored and under sponsored.”

“Mentors give, sponsors invest.”

“Sponsors choose you and sponsorship begins with excellent work.”

Additionally her work provides important insights on:

  • how sponsors can fast-track your career
  • how mentors and sponsors differ
  • the value and importance of executive presence
  • how to avoid sponsorship tripwires and backlash
  • sponsor expectations
  • 2+1 rule for sponsors
  • the value of real feedback

My presentations typically include guest stars from student affairs who share personal stories about the impact of sponsors on their career as well as how they choose professionals to sponsor.  Recently, Dr. Laura Wankel, Mr. PaPresentation2trick Day and Dr. Shaun Harper provided powerful insights from their careers at our session at NASPA West in Salt Lake City.   As always I’m happy to chat with you about maximizing your career in higher education and I’ll be continuing to present on the Sponsor Effect and Executive Presence at conferences and workshops nationally.

Learn more now:

Dr. Sylvia Hewlett -bio

The Sponsor Effect: Breaking through the Last Glass Ceiling

(Forget a Mentor) Find A Sponsor by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Executive Presence –Watch for Dr. Hewlett’s new book out in March 2014 on this topic

Twitter: @sylviahewlett

Harvard Business Review articles– This series is outstanding!

Wishing you all a wonderful 2014!  Let me know what you think…

Do you have a sponsor(s)? How have you sponsored others? Do others see your great work?  How will you increase your visibility this year?